Laura Trombley

96 Articles

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Aid State: Elite Panic, Disaster Capitalism, and the Battle To Control Haiti

While heartbreaking and discouraging, Johnston’s indictment of the aid industrial complex is essential listening, critically important when considering future responses to natural disasters.

The Human Origins of Beatrice Porter and Other Essential Ghosts

Palmer’s debut features stories within stories, interweaving folklore, family, history, and memory, are set in a world where magic is never far off. A must-listen and an essential purchase everywhere.


A complex and touching story, revealing the hopes and regrets in deeply felt friendships.

Blue Hour

A haunting, lyrical tale for listeners who appreciate the sometimes disorienting, intimate works of Jacqueline Woodson, Toni Morrison, and Raven Leilani.

A Grandmother Begins the Story

This is a storyteller’s story that speaks landscapes, people, animals, and objects into being through its magic. An unforgettable, enchanting listen.

Black Dove

A mesmerizing, genre-bending story for fans of Heather Tucker’s Cracked Pots.

He/She/They: How We Talk About Gender and Why It Matters

Bailar’s informative and affecting book couldn’t be timelier. An important resource for parents, friends, allies, teachers, trans and cisgender people, and anyone hoping to deepen their knowledge and understanding.

Dearborn: Stories

Michigan listeners who know Dearborn may find themselves smiling at the mention of well-known streets and establishments, while those unfamiliar with the area will enjoy Zeineddine’s insight into community, race, and family.

The Trials of Madame Restell: Nineteenth-Century America’s Most Infamous Female Physician and the Campaign To Make Abortion a Crime

A timely, well-researched account that provides historical insight into present-day debates about abortion and reproductive rights in the United States.

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