Janeane from Des Moines

color. 78 min. , Wilsilu Pictures in assoc. with Open Pictures, dist. by Good Docs, www.gooddocs.net. 2013. DVD $100; acad. libs. $250. Public performance. POL SCI
OrangeReviewStarThis film pretends to be a documentary about Janeane, an Iowa housewife who lives a "typical conservative life." She attends Bible study class, works hard as a home health aide, and owns a home with her husband and kids but struggles to get by. She is worried that the America she treasures is threatened by Planned Parenthood, gay marriage, Democrats, and Obamacare. During the 2012 presidential campaign, looking for inspiration and hope, she attends rallies for the Republican candidates as they roll into Iowa. At the heart of this film is the incredible performance of Jane Wilson, who never breaks character as Janeane. We watch her attend the real-life gatherings for Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and Rick Santorum. She's so convincing as a conservative Midwestern housewife that both the press and the candidates allow her to ask questions and get up close and personal for photo ops and sound bites. Filmmaker Lee weaves the fictional life of Janeane into the political machine that takes over Iowa every four years, counterpointing her health concerns and religious views with the self-serving and vacuous candidates who answer her desperate questions with empty words and vague promises.
VERDICT Watching this film is a surprising and fascinating experience, perfect for those interested in politics, women's studies, media, and journalism.
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