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Coherent Announces New Database in Public Health and Social Care, Announcing Latin American Scholarly Books on MUSE, and More News Headlines

University of California and Elsevier Announce “Breakthrough” Open Access Agreement

Information: A Historical Companion

A fascinating multidisciplinary essay collection that will appeal to information history junkies as well as history, journalism, and library science students.

Criminal Justice in America: The Encyclopedia of Crime, Law Enforcement, Courts, and Corrections

This is a solid, browsable reference work that will appeal to the public and law enforcement as well as undergraduates focusing on criminology, sociology, psychology, or law.

Imperial China

It is more important than ever that China’s history be widely known, and this irresistible volume will help readers recognize its many cultural legacies.

Music Around the World: A Global Encyclopedia

A successful dive into global music culture in an easy-to-digest format for beginner researchers.


2021 Night Sky Almanac: A Month-by-Month Guide to North America’s Skies from the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

Intermediate astronomers and beginners eager to learn more will find this volume highly useful as they watch the skies throughout the year.

Academic Libraries Data | Year in Architecture 2020

Academic Libraries Data | Year in Architecture 2019

University of Würzburg Announces Open Source Text Recognition for Historical Texts | infoDOCKET

Disaster Preparedness, Modern Library Design, Project Management | Professional Media, March 2019

Essential Techniques for Life Science Research

Working To Give Libraries More Actionable Information | Peer to Peer Review

Signs of Trouble Ahead for Small College Librarians | From the Bell Tower

MIT’s Grand Challenges Issues Final Report

ProQuest Launches ProQuest One Academic

What Library Leaders Can’t Fake | Leading from the Library

Assigning Seats: Learning the Math Behind Congressional Seating

Is Urban Agriculture the Future of Farming at Home and Around the Globe?

Informetrics Journal Quits Elsevier, Relaunches as Open Access

The Value of Indexing for Accelerating Research

Meet the Candidates: 2019 ACRL Election

Remembering Carlton Rochell

Student Success: Academic Librarianship’s New Holy Grail | From the Bell Tower

Portraits of Cuba | History Reviews

Pets, Winter 2018 | Best Sellers

Archival Futures, Digital Assistants, Information Literacy, Short-Term Employment Opportunities | Professional Reading Reviews

EBSCO's MLA International Bibliography with Full Text | Reference eReviews

World Maps, the Global Economy, Exploring the American Revolution | Reference Reviews

Princeton’s Brazil LAB Leads Relief Efforts for Brazil’s National Museum | infoDOCKET

Library Leaders Need Feedback Too | Leading From the Library

Peter Potter on Funding OA Monographs

New Prospects

VHS Preservation Project Announces Founding Members

The Future of Academic Publishing Lies in Supporting Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Administrative Bloat: What We Know and Where Libraries Fit | From the Bell Tower

UBC Library Partners with French Department on Revolution Pamphlet Collection

Leaders Must Read, Think, and Evaluate Before Sharing | Leading from the Library

Academic Libraries Data | Year in Architecture 2018

Branching Out, November 2018

Controlled Digital Lending Concept Gains Ground

MIT Press, Media Lab Launch Knowledge Futures Group

Six Ways a Discovery Platform Ensures Success with the Google Generation

Helping Students Be Happier: Where the Library Fits In | From the Bell Tower

ProQuest Debuts Rialto, Enhancing Selection and Acquisition for Alma Libraries

What's New in Reference


What Makes Up a Master’s | Placements & Salaries 2018


Moving Ahead: The Job Search | Placements & Salaries 2018


Workplace vs. Skill Sets | Placements & Salaries 2018


Salaries Rise Slightly | Placements & Salaries 2018

Organizing for Inclusion in Scholarly Publishing | Peer to Peer Review


Foundations and Futures | Placements & Salaries 2018

PLEs @ ALA | Office Hours

Get Your Pitch Just Right | Leading from the Library

Adam Matthew Launches Quartex Digital Library Platform

A Look Inside Barnard’s New Milstein Center

First Things First

Branching Out, October 2018

Overcome the Fear of Being Challenged | From the Bell Tower

Ithaka Report Offers Equity Best Practices

Remote Information Literacy | Field Reports


Accessibility on Campus

University of Rhode Island Opens AI Lab in Library


The End of Fines?


Teaming Up for College Readiness

Attorney Sues for Access to Tanton Papers in Closed Archive

Gale Launches Digital Scholar Lab


MOU: A Tie that Binds


Augmented Reality Exhibit at NCSU | Field Reports

Community/College Connections

UC Berkeley Law Library Implements TIND ILS

Virginia Tech First R1 Library to Adopt Koha ILS

Digital Humanities Project Visualizes the Impact of Family Separations

Embracing Social Justice as a Library Leader | Leading From the Library


Library School Students Master Original Research

Get It Right: Responding to Social Media Complaints | From the Bell Tower

How Do You Want to Be Remembered as a Leader? | Leading from the Library

Faculty, Student, and Librarian Collaboration Kiwi Style | Peer to Peer Review

Higher Ed Must Innovate Its Way Out of the Student Debt Crisis | From the Bell Tower

How About a Little Kindness for Library Leaders? | Leading From the Library

Higher Education Promotes the Student Experience | From the Bell Tower

Alt-Right Activist Disturbs Law Library, Banned From UVA

Inclusive Restroom Design | Library Design

Reaching Net Zero | Library Design

Sports As a Model for Library Leadership Learning | Leading from the Library


Death By 1,000 Cuts | Periodicals Price Survey 2018

MIT Media Lab Collaborates with Public Librarians

First Year Experience Conference at CWRU Focuses on Service, Student Retention

What’s Next for Design Thinking in Librarianship | From the Bell Tower

Wanda Brown Wins ALA Presidency

MIT Libraries Tackles Grand Challenges | Peer to Peer Review

Library Leaders Need Productive Distraction | Leading From the Library


VR Meets the Real World | Technology in Focus

College Students Prefer Print for Long-form Reading, Ebooks for Research | LJ Survey

Marian Fragola | Movers & Shakers 2018 – Innovators

Shannon O’Neill | Movers & Shakers 2018 – Innovators

Ideas for Building a Better Relationship with Your Campus Bookstore | From the Bell Tower

Joe Márquez & Annie Downey | Movers & Shakers 2018 – Educators

Save Government Information! | Peer to Peer Review

Meet the Candidates: ALA President 2018–19


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