9 Titles Coming Your Way | Coming Attractions

Lots to look forward to with these forthcoming DVDs and Blu-rays, including the gritty classic noir that inspired Dragnet and legendary Australian criminal Mark “Chopper” Read’s outsized autobiography. 

Chantal Akerman Masterpieces, 1968–1978. 3 discs. color & b/w. 664 min. Criterion. Blu-ray UPC 715515291514. $99.99. DRAMA

The highest vote-getter in Sight & Sound magazine’s recent poll of the best 100 films, Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles—about a lonely, financially struggling widow who consequentially varies from her careful routine—is included in this collection of pioneering Belgian director Chantal Akerman’s early documentaries, features, and short films. Newly restored in high definition with contextual extras.

Chopper. 94 min. Andrew Dominik, Studio Distribution Services. 2000. Blu-ray UPC 826663241631. $34.99. Rated: R. BIOPIC

Based on his best-selling autobiography, Australian criminal Mark “Chopper” Read (Eric Bana) offers an unabashedly self-mythologizing treatment of his life. “Never let the truth get in the way of a good yarn” is the con man’s motto. Debuting in HD.

Film Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema XVI. 3 discs. b/w. 229 min. Kino Lorber. 1942–1951. Blu-ray UPC 738329263843. $49.95. FILM NOIR

The latest boxed set in a long-running series includes The Mystery of Marie Roget (1942), based on an Edgar Allan Poe story, which deals with a woman plotting the death of her sister. Alan Ladd stars in Chicago Deadline (1949), in which a reporter digs into the death of a beautiful woman (Donna Reed). And a miner (Jeff Chandler) tries to escape his downtrodden life by turning prizefighter in Iron Man (1951).

He Walked by Night. b/w. 79 min. Alfred L. Werker, Kino Lorber. 1948. Blu-ray UPC 738329265427. $24.95. FILM NOIR

A preternaturally resourceful robber and cop-killer (Richard Basehart) frustrates capture by the LAPD in this gritty classic noir that inspired the Dragnet television series. The TV show’s creator, Jack Webb, even has a small role here. Debuting in high-def.

Lone Star. 135 min. John Sayles, Criterion. 1996. Blu-ray UPC 715515291415. $39.99. Rated: R. DRAMA

A small-town Texas sheriff (Chris Cooper) uncovers racially troubling secrets after the decades-old skeleton of his father, the previous sheriff, is found in the desert. One of indie-film pioneer Sayle’s most deserved films goes HD with this deluxe treatment.

Mudbound. 134 min. Dee Rees, Criterion. 2017. DVD UPC 715515291910. $29.99; Blu-ray UPC 715515291811. $39.99. Rated: R. DRAMA

White landholder and Black tenant farmer families struggle to survive World War II in the Mississippi Delta; each sends sons to fight, forging a common bond in hard times. This Netflix film, adapted from the Hillary Jordan novel, debuts on disc.

Murphy’s War. 107 min. Peter Yates, Arrow. 1971. Blu-ray UPC 760137142447. $39.95. DRAMA

Peter O’Toole (Lawrence of Arabia) stars as the sole survivor of a British naval ship whose mates were gunned down by a German U-boat crew; now he’s out for revenge. Too little seen, this O’Toole showcase offers a biting view of the absurdity of war.

Scarlet Street. b/w. 102 min. Fritz Lang, Kino Lorber. 1945. Blu-ray UPC 738329088729. $29.95. FILM NOIR

Infatuated with beautiful Kitty March (Joan Bennett), middle-aged starving artist Christopher Cross (Edward G. Robinson) gets taken in an art-selling scam in this classic noir, mastered from a 35mm negative preserved by the Library of Congress.

Trainspotting. 94 min. Danny Boyle, Criterion. 1996. Blu-ray UPC 715515291712. $39.99. DRAMA

Along with his merry band of misfits, heroin-addicted Scotsman Mark Renton (Ewan McGregor) enjoys the blissful escapism offered by the drug in this darkly funny, boldly stylized vision of 1990s-era youth subculture in the UK. Restored in HD.

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