Harari, Yuval Noah

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Sapiens: A Graphic History, Vol. 3—The Masters of History

Experts in various disciplines may disagree with some of these interpretations of history, but the point is to engage readers and inspire curiosity rather than dictate details. Highly recommended for high schoolers, college age, and older, including for classrooms.

21 Lessons for the 21st Century

If you cherish the life of ideas you owe yourself some time with this audiobook. ["Readers of Harari's previous works will find this volume uniquely engaging in its application of those larger contours of history and future to contemporary society. Highly recommended for general readers and academics alike": LJ 9/1/18 review of the Spiegel & Grau hc.]—Denis Frias, Mississauga Lib. Syst., Ont.

21 Lessons for the 21st Century

Readers of Harari's previous works will find this volume uniquely engaging in its application of those larger contours of history and future to contemporary society. Highly recommended for general readers and academics alike.

Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow

While still appealing to those of a political, historical, or anthropological bent who enjoyed Sapiens, this title will be equally thought provoking to biologists and technological futurists. [See Prepub Alert, 8/8/16.]

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

Although Harari's ideas may be controversial for some readers, those who are interested in history, anthropology, and evolution will find his work a fascinating, hearty read.

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