Smith, Jen

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Buy What You Love Without Going Broke: Transform Your Spending and Get More of What Money Can’t Buy

An excellent library purchase that’s holistic and empowering. Readers are sure to cherish this title’s authenticity, action steps, and key takeaways.

The World Beneath: The Life and Times of Unknown Sea Creatures and Coral Reefs

Smith’s passion for coral reefs, their inhabitants, and their protection shines through in this gorgeous, fascinating, informative, immersive book. Divers (and readers who would rather appreciate remote underwater habitats from the comfort of home) will cherish this book.

Good Nature: Why Seeing, Smelling, Hearing, and Touching Plants Is Good for Our Health

Readers don’t have to know anything about plants or have a green thumb to enjoy this title about nature therapy and the impact it can have on one’s health. City planners and public health policy makers can benefit from reading this book as well.

Goodbye Religion: The Causes and Consequences of Secularization

For scholars and people curious about why so many people are leaving organized religions.

Even After Everything: The Spiritual Practice of Knowing the Risks and Loving Anyway

This book about loss, fecundity, and God is profoundly personal, interior, and meditative.

The Newsmongers: A History of Tabloid Journalism

A worthy read for people interested in the role sensationalized news media plays on public life and discourse.

Analog Superpowers: How Twentieth-Century Technology Theft Built the National Security State

Hard-core military historians and tech law aficionados will appreciate this thoroughly researched book.

Mr. Nice Spy

This second book in Smith’s “My Spy” series has it all: romance, intrigue, mistaken identity, and a race against time.

Frog Day: A Story of 24 Hours and 24 Amphibian Lives

Biology students and armchair travelers alike will enjoy this chance to explore the remarkably varied ecology of frogs and toads.

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