Barb Kundanis

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CQ Press Guide to the Presidency and the Executive Branch

An authoritative resource on all things presidential.

Appetite for Life

Antine's thoughtful approach gives a whole-foods perspective on cooking for the family. This book keeps things simple for the time challenged and offers alternatives to fast food.

The World Book Encyclopedia 2012

In the wake of Encyclopaedia Britannica's ceasing print publication, the need exists for a print encyclopedia at the library. It is particularly handy in a public library to have a circulating set as well, and this standard remains versatile and useful.

Faces Around the World

This interesting introduction consolidates hard-to-find information and provides many resources for continued exploration.

Mike Wallace

This book gives readers a warts-and-all look at the man behind the legend, as well as solid information on the early days of TV and 60 Minutes. Those who would prefer a more sympathetic portrait should try Wallace's own Between You and Me and Close Encounters.

The Mom 100 Cookbook

This solid source of recipe ideas is good for anyone cooking for a family. For a more health-conscious perspective, try Beth Bader and Ali Benjamin's The Cleaner Plate Club: More Than 100 Recipes for Real Food Your Kids Will Love. [Twenty-city tour.]

Are You Smart Enough To Work at Google?

For those who want something extra in their repertoire for their next interview.


For readers interested in what a career in public relations in Hollywood is like and in celebrity culture.

The Digital Mom Handbook

This handy guide will help stay-at-home parents turn their dreams into reality. Working parents looking for a broader guide to starting a business should consider Aliza Sherman and Danielle Smith's Mom, Incorporated (reviewed below).

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