Fyfield, Frances

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Shadows on the Mirror: A Sarah Fortune Mystery

Fyfield delves well into the different characters' psyche and ambitions, and readers who appreciate psychological mysteries such as those penned by Barbara Vine/Ruth Rendell or Minette Walters will enjoy this series. British crime writer Fyfield wrote this novel in 1989, and it was released in the United States in 1991. But as the hardcover edition has been long out of print, this ebook reissue will be a welcome substitute.

The Art of Drowning

Reminiscent of the psychological thrillers of Barbara Vine and Elizabeth George, Fyfield's (Casting the First Stone) U.S. debut superbly demonstrates why she is one of the best of the British crime writers at understanding the human psyche and what makes it evolve. Fyfied is a recipient of both the Gold and Silver Crime Writers' Association Daggers.

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