Jalaluddin, Uzma

5 Articles

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Three Holidays and a Wedding

An outstanding addition to any holiday romance collection, perfect for fans of Jean Meltzer’s The Matzah Ball or Jaqueline Snowe’s Snowed in for Christmas.

Much Ado About Nada

Jalaluddin has mastered the art of retelling classics, offering a tale that will appeal to listeners searching for cultural sensitivity, romance, and the comfort of hearing a cherished story updated for modern times.

Three Holidays and a Wedding

This charming multicultural and multi-faith romance sparkles with an adorable cast of characters and a storyline that reads like a movie one would want to watch again and again.

Hana Khan Carries On

Readers won’t be able to put this Own Voices Muslim romance down. Highly recommended for most public library collections.

Ayesha at Last

There’s an overabundance of Pride and Prejudice retellings, but few are as thoughtful and creative as this stellar debut from an author to watch. Jalaluddin takes a familiar plot and transforms it into a contemporary #ownvoices romance that is fresh, insightful, and thoroughly modern. The story of Ayesha and Khalid will leave readers swooning, but it will also get them thinking.


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