Kissinger, Henry A.

4 Articles

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Genesis: Artificial Intelligence, Hope, and the Human Spirit

The authors assert that humans must immediately form a position to properly integrate AI into their lives, and they argue that humanity has no other option. Some readers, however, may find that the book never quite moves beyond the realm of hypothesis.

Leadership: Six Studies in World Strategy

Recommended for Kissinger’s distinctive perspectives imbedded in scholarly, readable prose.

World Order

Critics are unlikely to find much interest in this volume as it largely summarizes Kissinger's thinking, but students and historians of political science may appreciate his suggestion that both realism and idealism are necessary in modern times. [See Prepub Alert, 3/17/14.]

On China

Originally scheduled for November 2010 and featured in Prepub Exploded of June 3, this study of China past, present, and future—especially in terms of Kissinger himself—has been bumped to May 2011...

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