Lee, Chang-Rae

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Native Speaker

Recommended for listeners of general fiction.

On Such a Full Sea

Fans of dystopian fiction will enjoy this offering. ["That versatility ensures Sea equal appreciation among readers who enjoy a heart-thumping adventure and doctoral students in search of a superlative dissertation text," read the starred review of the Riverhead hc, LJ 11/15/13.]

On Such a Full Sea

Versatility surely earned Lee a place on The New Yorker's 20 best writers under 40 dais; his literary voice has morphed constantly, debuting as a Korean American outsider (Native Speaker) and moving through a Japanese American doctor (A Gesture Life), an Italian American widower (Aloft), and Korean War survivors (The Surrendered). That versatility ensures Sea equal appreciation among readers who enjoy a heart-thumping adventure and doctoral students in search of a superlative dissertation text. [See Prepub Alert, 6/24/13.]

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