Murphy, Sean

3 Articles

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Batman. Vol. 2: Curse of the White Knight

This sequel expands on the already massive scope of its predecessor and builds to a genuinely exciting final twist that will have readers clamoring for future installments.


The Wake

The Wake might make for a passable movie someday. Violence, profanity, and grisly imagery; suitable for teens and up. Optional for au courant graphic novel collections but not if volumes of the back-in-print Miracleman (LJ 9/15/14) are available.

Punk Rock Jesus

Murphy's spiky, detail-rich black-and-white artwork brilliantly illustrates an engrossing and surprising story that achieves a heightened sense of reality: a place where satire turns questioning and abstract, larger-than-life issues and conflicts are concretized on a human scale. An audacious, nuanced, and hugely compelling tale of science and religion, belief and rebellion, damnation and redemption—and, yes, punk rock—this work is highly recommended for older teens and adults.

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