Petras, Ross

3 Articles

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That Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means: The 150 Most Commonly Misused Words and Their Tangled Histories

Libraries looking to acquire this book would be better served by the print version instead of the audio.

You’re Saying It Wrong: A Pronunciation Guide to the 150 Most Commonly Mispronounced Words—and Their Tangled Histories of Misuse

This audio will appeal to linguaphiles looking for a quick nonfiction listen that is amusing and informational.

A History of the World Through Body Parts: The Stories Behind the Organs, Appendages, Digits, and the Like Attached to (or Detached from) Famous Bodies

Clever, informative, entertaining, and sometimes crass, this quick-reading book will appeal to teens and adult readers who like an offbeat view of history, as found in works like The Disappearing Spoon and The Violinist’s Thumb, and who aren’t shy about bodily functions.

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