Raya Kuzyk

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Audio Spotlight: Marketing Strategies Help Vitalize Audiobook Collections


The Headhunters

This title was originally published in the August 1936 issue of Five-Novels Monthly and combines two thematic elements common to Hubbard's adventure fiction: headhunters and gold mining...

The Carnival of Death

Working undercover at a carnival to bust a suspected drug ring, U...

Devil's Manhunt

Originally published in the February 1950 issue of Famous Western, this gold-mining adventure is lent significant realism by Hubbard's own experience leading a mining crew on a West Indies mineralogical expedition in the early 1930s...

On Blazing Wings

Hubbard's thoroughly researched adventure, inspired by the 1939 Winter War between Finland and Russia, was originally published in the May 1940 issue of Five-Novels Monthly...

The Magic Orange Tree and Other Haitian Folktales

Celebrated storyteller Wolkstein's (www...

Cleanse Your Body, Clear Your Mind

More than just a detox tract, this is a thoughtful explication of the toxins we encounter in daily life, their effects on us, and the steps we can take immediately to regenerate and heal. It is essential not only in geographically toxic areas, but in every home, as required reading short on scare tactics and high on quality-of-life-altering information.

Fitness Illustrated

Beginners of all ages and fitness levels are sure to appreciate this shallow-end-of-the-pool approach to improving one's health, whose gentle but comprehensive guidance and instruction will equip them to venture, at their own pace, into the deep end.

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