Roberts, Paul

5 Articles

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Ancient Rome in Fifty Monuments

This solid, recommended, visually rich title is excellent in its depiction of temples, basilicas, forums and arches, but it does not stand alone as an introduction to ancient Rome. It’s best utilized as a supplement to more detailed and text-based histories of ancient Rome.

Reading Franz Liszt: Revealing the Poetry Behind the Piano Music

Readers looking for a musical biography of Liszt will find here instead an excursion through European culture of the 19th century and earlier. Roberts’s accessible style reads like a conversation with his erudite friends

Life and Death in Pompeii and Herculaneum

For its focus on palatial residences and lavish possessions, the book might better be called "Herculaneum and Pompeii: The One Percent." Roberts discussions of slaves and common folk generally concern their role in enabling the lives of the well-to-do. Dip into this book for a look at the belongings of the wealthier folk buried by the egalitarian Vesuvius. Collections with other major illustrated works on Pompeii should consider this one optional.

The Faithful Executioner: Life and Death, Honor and Shame in the Turbulent Sixteenth Century

A fine example of social history that seeks the fuller and more complex story of some darker sides of human nature; a weighty, reflective, and rewarding read. Highly recommended.

The Digital Art Technique Manual for Illustrators and Artists

Best for intermediate and experienced artists who would like to become more comfortable using computers in the creative sphere.

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