Copper Canyon

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Love Prodigal

Brimhall addresses life’s everyday suffering in astonishing language that will attract a wide range of readers. Highly recommended.


A wide-ranging work of current import, shaped by an intimate and urgent tone that draws in the reader.

Black Bell

Complex and intriguing, this work will attract readers of cutting-edge poetry.

The Beloved Community

Moving and powerful, Jones’s latest collection is recommended for most libraries.

Dream Apartment

At their best, these poems work their magic through just such a sequential movement.

The Fears

This evocative book is recommended for all libraries.

Paper Banners

Miller is able to go inside her subjects and draw readers with her. That experience makes this collection one for all libraries.

Things I Didn’t Do with This Body

Occasionally, some one-word titles don’t do justice to the poems, and in a few the rhyming seems overdone, but this poet writes what is vital and necessary. These poems are raw, emotional, and fierce in their rush to get words out into the world. Highly recommended.

West: A Translation

A remarkable collection offering history not typically told in textbooks; an accompanying website ( with video poems and historical images adds context.

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