MCD: Farrar

5 Articles

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Hummingbird Salamander

VanderMeer brings his trademark atmospheric and heavily lyrical writing style to the arena of species extinction and climate degradation. He shows that, in a creepily curious way, taxidermy and extinction are intertwined fates for doomed animals. There is an implied connection to the present COVID-19 pandemic, with dire consequences. Recommended for fans of the author, though mainstream readers may find the story deliberately inscrutable.

The Last Great Road Bum

Tobar conjures the narrative spirit of Jack Kerouac’s Dharma Bums in juxtaposing the seeming placidity of the American Midwest and a life in search of truth and authenticity. [See Prepub Alert, 12/2/19; Barbara Hoffert's interview with the author.]


Take Me Apart

Love story, hate story, mystery--all in one. For patient readers of feminist, psychological suspense fiction.


Sharks in the Time of Saviors

A more than noteworthy first foray into contemporary fiction by Hawaiian native Washburn. [See Prepub Alert, 9/9/19.]

High School

This inspiring memoir will appeal to readers, especially fans of the duo.


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