Silva’s 24th installment in the Gabriel Allon series (following
The Collector) finds Detective Timothy Peel enlisting former Mossad leader Allon to help him track down an elusive serial killer, known as the Chopper, who has been terrorizing the inhabitants of a small village in Cornwall. The latest victim is Charlotte Blake, an Oxford professor who specialized in the provenances of artworks; at the time of her death, she was researching a missing Picasso. Allon suspects that Blake was not the victim of a random murder spree; her killer must have had more sinister motives. Teaming up with master thief Ingrid Johansen and violin virtuoso Anna Rolfe, Allon soon uncovers the political corruption, tax evasion, and greed simmering within the shadowy art world. Edoardo Ballerini offers another pitch-perfect, riveting performance, with pacing that heightens the suspense and keeps listeners on the edge of their seats.
VERDICT Ballerini’s deft performance ably captures the novel’s twists and turns. Silva’s fans will be thrilled to dive into this world of international intrigue, murder, corruption, and conspiracy at the highest levels.
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