A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church, Year C

Church Pub. Jul. 2024. 400p. ISBN 9781640655720. pap. $36.95. REL
Pushing against man-centered language and the gender limitations of traditional lectionaries, Hebrew biblical scholar/Episcopal priest Gafney (Womanist Midrash) reimagines the traditional liturgical readings and prayer book. Her work focuses on scriptural passages (mostly from the Gospel of Luke) about women and includes her own new, gender-inclusive translations, including the use of she/her pronouns for God. Some readers may disagree with some of Gafney’s choices, such as changing “Son of man” to “Son of woman.” Yet, however jarring these alterations might feel to some readers, Gafney’s translations force people to revisit the words and the spirit that enlivens them. It urges readers to avoid passively accepting the comfort of spiritual familiarity and instead utilize their heart, mind, and soul to take it in and maybe see and hear things anew. Gafney also refocuses readers’ attention to the maternal line of Rebekah, instead of the patriarchal line of Jacob that’s seen in comparable titles.
VERDICT An important work of great value for liturgists, preachers, and prayer groups. Even if used only as a tool to reencounter God’s word, it will provoke thought and new considerations that can enrich preaching. A recommended addition to seminary and parish libraries and large theology collections.
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