DEBUT In this mournful historical novel, Blythe Lodge is forced to confront her late husband’s second family when his daughter Gillian shows up on her Cape Cod doorstep to learn more about her father’s life. Gillian, who’s on her way to serve in the Red Cross during World War II, is shocked to learn that Gil had been married before meeting her mother (and had never divorced Blythe). Blythe and Gillian, between them, tease out the mystery of a private man’s life. Gil had floated between two capes—Cape Cod in Massachusetts and Cape Hatteras in North Carolina—throughout his life. Cape Cod is where Gil was born and married Blythe. Cape Hatteras is where his brother died in the Civil War Battle of Chicamacomico Races. It’s also where he bigamously married a much younger woman and started a family with her. But why?
VERDICT Khoury based her debut novel on a true story recorded in historical newspaper accounts. Readers will enjoy her slow-paced emotional historical fiction about the pain inflicted by the Civil War on soldiers and their families.
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