In a future world ravaged by climate change, refugees flock to a settlement known as Camp Zero in Canada’s northern reaches. Desperate to protect her mother, a displaced Korean immigrant, Rose travels to the camp as a spy. Joining her is college professor Grant, who hopes to escape the weight of his family’s privileged past. Nearby, a collective of women scientists is rumored to live at an abandoned Cold War–era research station. As each person struggles to survive, sinister plans come to light, threatening the safety of all. Sterling’s novel examines gender, socioeconomic status, and migration amid a global crisis. Narrators Graham Halstead, Greta Jung, and Emily Tremaine ratchet up the tension while providing compelling character portraits—Rose, who grows from a naive girl into a woman desperate to survive; Grant, who learns to live without the wealth that has always protected him; and the women scientists, who will do whatever it takes to survive, thrive, and raise the next generation.
VERDICT A fast-paced, timely sci-fi novel for fans of Emily St. John Mandel’s Station Eleven or Sam J. Miller’s Blackfish City.
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