The second edition of this timely handbook chronicles the evolution of cyber capabilities to their current and potential military applications for combat. Foreign Policy Research Institute research fellow Springer (military studies and research, Air Command and Staff Coll.;
Propaganda from the American Civil War) addresses issues ranging from the threats of information exposure faced by U.S. civilians to the race to match the cyber capabilities of other nations, such as China. The U.S. faces vulnerabilities as cyber warfare becomes an increasingly prominent tactic in global military conflicts. This book provides an overview of existing cyber warfare literature that focuses on the growing significance of cyber operations. Springer examines efforts to establish secure networks by government agencies and includes contributions from leading experts, including commanders and innovators in the field on cyber attacks. The handbook also covers detecting cyber intrusions and data breaches. The key organizations involved span government, military, industry, and academia.
VERDICT Comprehensive, valuable, excellent resource on cyber warfare. It’s essential for collections.
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