Fragile Anthology

RoShamBo. Oct. 2024. 296p. ed. by Michael Allen Rose. ISBN 9798869168757. pap. $15.99. HORROR
What’s in the box? A new anthology featuring 20 speculative fiction writers dares to find out. Each story begins with a simple premise: a moving company employee discovers something strange about a box in the owner’s house. There’s the temptation to open the box, of course, and once the unsuspecting employee opens the box, whatever was dreamed up by these 20 writers will be released. The stories have as much variety—from science fiction to visceral horror—as the possibilities of what lies within the box. It could be the doorway to another world, lethal packing peanuts, or the severed head of a celebrity. This anthology has stories from award-winning authors such as Brian Keene (Earthworm Gods) and Cynthia Pelayo (Children of Chicago) as well as lesser-known authors (many of whom are celebrated in the world of independent publishing) who are also worth discovering.
VERDICT All of the writers in this collection seem to have fun with the premise of a mover and a cardboard box’s mysterious contents, creating a worthy showcase for sci-fi and horror fans looking for their next favorite author.
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Taylor Stieb

Thank you Rebecca for your advocacy and hard work! We love seeing you at the library and are big fans of your inclusivity.

Posted : 2024-06-10 23:40:40



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