In this debut, Metz, technology correspondent for the
New York Times, has crafted an engaging narrative focused on the figures who have been working on artificial intelligence (AI) over the decades. Some of the world’s most significant AI researchers and companies form the matrix of this history, as do their comings and goings into and out from the field. Metz covers early pioneers, such as Geoff Hinton and Alan Eustace, along with the development of technology and its terminology. This fast-paced account of people and places brings into context the historical roots of Internet giants Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon, and how their paths to success were not always guaranteed. Alongside stories of progress, Metz reveals tensions among prominent figures within Silicon Valley as well as tech hubs in New York and London. Competition is a recurring theme throughout this well-written narrative, as Metz brings to life personalities that dominated start-ups and other tech companies.
VERDICT An informative, enjoyable work that connects the history of technology to our current world of gadgets and devices. With vivid detail, Metz has crafted an accessible narrative that will keep readers turning the pages.
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