Lyons’s thrilling yet poignant debut follows aspiring comedian Raely, the sole survivor of a catastrophic train wreck. Weighed down with grief over losing her best friend, Raely soon discovers she’s being followed by a ghost. As it turns out, the ghost, whom Raely dubs Casper, is friendly rather than terrifying. And, she thinks, he could be the perfect partner to help her fight a demonic entity that’s out to hurt her. In the race to save her life and perhaps her soul, Raely must accept the help of a psychic and employ her newfound ability to see spirits. Piper Goodeve narrates the grief-stricken yet grimly humorous Raely and her friendly ghost with heart and congeniality. Goodeve’s spot-on deliveries of Lyons’s witty one-liners and entertaining banter bring levity to the tale and keeps the action moving. Listeners will be captivated until the end as Raely and Casper face down threats both human and demonic.
VERDICT A paranormal thriller that offers thrills and chills in addition to a touching exploration of grief, love, and moving on.
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