Grrrl Love and Revolution: Riot Grrrl NYC

color. 42 min. Abby Moser, Women Make Movies, 2012. DVD $89; acad. libs. $195 (Rental: $60). Public performance. MUSIC
This far-too-brief documentary by filmmaker Moser (media studies, Catholic Univ.) chronicles Riot Grrrl NYC, a group of young female New York City punks who started their own local Riot Grrrl movement in an effort to promote underground artists and bands and offer a feminist alternative to what they saw as their hometown's male-dominated and increasingly commercialized punk scene. Much of this simple, sloppily edited film consists of fly-on-the-wall footage of early to mid-1990s group meetings in which young women discuss personal, political, and punk rock issues, supplemented by lively and often funny interviews with members and thoughtful new interviews with authors Gayle Wald, Sara Marcus, and Evelyn McDonnell. These experts explain what Riot Grrrl is, its origins and impact, and how it fits into a broader gender, cultural, and societal context.
VERDICT Slight but insightful, this video is a good choice for viewers interested in alternative youth subcultures, women in punk, and feminism; recommended to fans of the similar but much more in-depth From the Back of the Room (LJ 11/15/12). More information at
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