Loving What’s Next: What You Want Can Be Yours Now!

Morgan James. Oct. 2024. 228p. ISBN 9781636984155. pap. $18.95. SELF-HELP
Coach and ordained interfaith minister Barr (#SoulTeach: Your Guide to Manifesting What You Need, Want, and Desire) shares how readers can transform their lives and obtain their deepest desires using her M.O.V.E. method: Make a Decision; Own It, 100%; Visualize It; and Execute It. The book relies heavily on the concepts of divine intelligence, the law of attraction, and universal law, telling readers how to use manifestation to get the things they desire in life. Barr does say that although the universe will offer breadcrumbs for people to follow, they must do the work to achieve their dreams. However, she is also of the belief that readers can, for instance, ask the universe for a specific amount of money, and the universe will find ways to direct that money to them. Barr’s book doesn’t call on specific anecdotes from her coaching clients, which would have enhanced the work and might make it more relevant and interesting. It does offer a free “Loving What’s Next” Masterclass, available on Barr’s website, to try her program. , available on Barr’s website, to try her program.
VERDICT Readers who embraced the message in Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret will relish Barr’s book, but those with a more skeptical nature may want to skip this one.
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