John Allen, known as MrBallen on his popular podcast and YouTube channel, entertains and terrifies with nine tales of the weird, mysterious, and downright creepy. Based on real-life events, each time-spanning, continent-hopping tale is as unique as the one before, from a story about Canada’s “Headless Valley” to a small village in Spain enveloped by ghostly fog. Allen narrates his own work, treating listeners to captivating stories about missing people, murders, and paranormal happenings. In the introduction, he notes that his approach as a narrator is to treat the audio as a live performance, simultaneously spontaneous and personable. Allen delivers on his promise, employing a skilled delivery that adds to the creepy ambiance while providing dramatic flair. One story seamlessly flows into another, though Allen provides context for each and even includes a PDF file of a map for listeners. Listeners are also presented with a bonus story, “A Forest So Evil,” which is not found in the print edition.
VERDICT Fans of eerie podcasts, creepy stories, and unsettling happenings will be delighted by this compilation. Atmospheric and intriguing, this is an entertaining listen elevated by top-notch narration.
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