Fox’s (
A Room with a Roux) charming series starter follows screenwriter Georgie Johansen, who returns to her beloved home of Twilight Cove, OR, just in time for a neighbor’s murder. When the police discover that the victim left her property to Georgie’s Aunt Olivia, they set their sights on Olivia and Georgie as the prime suspects. With the help of family, old friends, a possible new beau, and a trio of uncanny animals, Georgie gets working to clear her name. Hallie Bee Bard’s narration makes this an easy listen. Rather than employing different accents, Bard changes the depth and pitch of her voice to differentiate her characters. Every character remains distinct, and this is helpful for listeners, as the back-and-forth dialogue is vital to understanding the investigation. Georgie’s voice is pleasant, brimming with interest and care for those around her. Listeners will appreciate Bard’s special touches, as she is never afraid to give the dogs a fun howl as they aid in sleuthing.
VERDICT This entertaining cozy has many appeal points, including animals, small-town life, and a bit of magic. Listeners will be enchanted and excited for the next installation in Fox’s promising series.
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