New Camp Cookbook on the Trail: Easy-To-Pack Meals, Cocktails, and Snacks for Your Next Adventure

Harvard Common. Jul. 2024. 144p. ISBN 9780760385081. $20. COOKING
Vikre (Camp Cocktails; The Family Camp Cookbook) offers a cookbook to enhance the pleasures of camping and hiking. While nearly anyone can find something of note in this wide-ranging collection, it is perhaps not designed for through-hikers weighing every gram, but it is perfect for car campers and day hikers out for a leisurely adventure. The idea is to replace highly processed, camp-specific foods with those that can be made at home and packed for the trail. Recipes (some of which were included in Vikre’s earlier books) cover snacks, pre-prepped meals, sandwiches, sweets, drinks, and more. Some of the offerings will please cooks who have no intention of venturing past their screen porch but appreciate easy and bulk meal prep. Sample recipes include apricot cherry snack balls, cherry-pecan granola, falafel mix, coconut oatmeal bowl, instant tiramisu, maple-blueberry fruit leather, and drinks such as apple negroni and spiked tea. Catering fully to campers, there are also recipes for spice or trail mixes, powdered egg scramble, and DIY beef jerky.
VERDICT This useful, fun, well-designed book is a find; put it on display with hiking books and watch it fly off the shelf.
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