Spalding’s third installment in the “Out in Hollywood” series, after
At Her Service, offers a heartwarming exploration of self-discovery and personal growth through the lens of a fake-dating romance. The novel follows Clementine, a marketing professional fresh out of a relationship and now grappling with her bisexuality, and Chloe, a confident dog groomer. Their fake relationship, initially a convenient arrangement, becomes a catalyst for Clementine’s journey of self-acceptance and openness. Spalding’s writing shines in its portrayal of complex emotions and evolving relationships. The novel deftly handles family dynamics, exploration of sexuality, and the importance of supportive friendships. While the fake-dating trope is familiar, Spalding’s execution feels genuine. She continues to demonstrate her expertise in crafting WLW narratives with authenticity and charm, filled with nuanced characters, emotional depth, and lighthearted moments.
VERDICT This is a delightful read for fans of contemporary sapphic romance, especially those who appreciate stories of personal growth alongside romantic development..
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