One Hour in Paris: A True Story of Rape and Recovery

Univ. of Chicago. Apr. 2014. 208p. ISBN 9780226073705. $20. PSYCH
OrangeReviewStarPhilosopher Freedman (Univ. of Guelph, Ont.) was, as a guileless young backpacker, raped and brutalized in a Paris apartment on August 1, 1990. She dealt with shame, hyperarousal, and panic attacks following her assault, but she points out that coming out as a rape survivor can go a long way toward erasing the humiliation that comes with having one's body used sexually and violently, against one's will. In telling her story, Freedman challenges the notion that rape is solely about power, asserting that, to the survivor of the crime, rape is all about sex and can lead to lifelong sexual inhibitions. In the decade following her assault, the author sought and found solidarity in group sessions in Canada and halfway around the world in a rape clinic in Botswana. Freedman contends that rape is rooted in gender discrimination and the oppression of women worldwide, that structural inequalities will persist until addressed.
VERDICT The frank discussion in this book is valuable for those interested in social justice as well as to survivors, their loved ones, and mental health professionals.
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