The third in an expected five-book series, Yarros’s latest romantasy picks up the action right after the events of
Iron Flame. The plot is focused on the ongoing battle with the Venin, the plan to rescue Xaden from the full repercussions of his actions during the battle to save Navarre, and a quest to find the home grounds of Andarna’s long-departed dragon family. Complicating all of this, a specific Venin is hunting Violet, and royal politics have elevated Xaden’s position beyond a lieutenant rider, separating the couple frequently. Yarros excels at crafting snappy and fun dialogue, explicating the deep connections between her characters, and deftly merging action with heady romance. Book three leans more heavily on action than the previous installments, which changes the reading experience, shifting it into the realm of fantasy warfare and road trip, with less focus on romance.
VERDICT While Yarros’s legion of fans will still thrill over each new development for Violet and Xaden, this entry is not as swoony as the first two books in the “Empyrean” series, and the precipitous cliffhanger ending wears thin.