In this latest installment of the “Queen’s Guard” series, Jenna Moustafa is a proud royal guard to her friend, the Queen of Cyrano. But one night in the arms of Sebastian, the Duke of Redcliff, changes her world and has her questioning her life. And when the result of that night is a child, she decides she must ensure that both she and her child are loved the way they deserve, even if it means walking away from the passion that she continues to find with her child’s father. Sebastian believes Jenna is his ideal partner and the ideal mother of his child. He just has to convince her to follow the plan he has laid out for their family, which does not include the emotion he finds most dangerous: love.
VERDICT Readers will love the descriptions of the extravagant beauty of the island setting. The hot passion and sweet romance between Sebastian and Jenna will have them holding on until the very end for the couple’s happily-ever-after.
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