Rescue Party! A Graphic Anthology of COVID Lockdown

Pantheon. Jul. 2024. 192p. ed. by ed. by Gabe Fowler. ISBN 9780593316801. $25. GRAPHIC NOVELS
Trapped in the COVID lockdown, what did people yearn for afterwards? Fowler, owner of Brooklyn’s Desert Island comics shop, put out a call on Instagram: “Please send comics visualizing your ideal future in a utopian world after we survive this.” Hundreds of colorful imaginings poured in from indie cartoonists worldwide, all one nine-panel page as specified, and bursting with boisterous, wildly creative fantasies. In a nod to the film Groundhog Day from Minneapolis, a jerk realizes his “jerkiness” isn’t working and becomes a nicer, helpful person. From India comes an illustrated rhyme, ending with “I’ll meet my favorite tree / And hug and breathe mask-free.” A Houston cartoonist reenvisions Dennis the Menace as “Li’l Oligarch,” a parasite who learns to fend for himself after losing his wealth. Some especially creative efforts show a single image extended over the nine panels, each supplying part of the narrative. A meaty foreword from comics scholar Hillary Chute cites the power of art to imagine a better world.
VERDICT In its future focus, this collection’s 140+ selected imaginings of hope and humor complement the 2021 COVID Chronicles anthology of stories set during the pandemic. Highly recommended for general and medical graphic novel collections and for libraries supporting comics art instruction.
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