Roctogenarians: Late in Life Debuts, Comebacks, and Triumphs

S. & S. Audio. Jun. 2024. 11:34 hrs. ISBN 9781797175447. $26.99. BIOG
Humorist and journalist Rocca’s (Mobituaries) infectious enthusiasm and gift for storytelling shine through in this delightful audiobook, cowritten by Greenberg (English, Montclair State Univ.; The Cambridge Introduction to Satire), exploring iconic figures who found new creative heights or launched remarkable careers later in life. Listeners are treated to a lively cast of characters, from Julia Child’s rise to fame at 50 to Peter Mark Roget, who created the first English language thesaurus at age 73. Rocca avoids simply recounting biographies, instead interweaving fascinating anecdotes and insights illuminating the tenacity, resilience, and creative spark that fueled these individuals’ late-blooming successes. Rocca narrates the book himself, and the audiobook format perfectly complements his witty and engaging writing style. His charismatic personality and impeccable timing infuse the narration with the brainy personality that has made him an NPR favorite. The pacing is well managed, allowing each story to unfold naturally while maintaining a sense of momentum and curiosity.
VERDICT A highly recommended, refreshing, and hilarious counterpoint to the often-negative stereotypes associated with aging. Pair with Nora Ephron’s I Feel Bad About My Neck or Steven Petrow’s Stupid Things I Won’t Do When I Get Old.
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