Solitude Creek: A Kathryn Dance Novel

Grand Central. May 2015. 464p. ISBN 9781455517152. $28; ebk. ISBN 9781455517169. F
In her fourth outing (after XO), Kathryn Dance, a California Bureau of Investigation agent and a body and language expert, is demoted to the Civil Division after a mix-up on a drug-related case. Tasked with investigating boring things such as failing to follow regulations, she is assigned a case involving a fatal stampede at a roadhouse. On the surface, it seems that the fire in the club caused the concertgoers to panic, but because she can't help herself, Kathryn does more than just make sure the paperwork was in order. She begins to ask questions and pursue witnesses and discovers that the stampede may have been caused intentionally by a man who turns people's fears into weapons.
VERDICT Deaver once again satisfies with this exciting entry. His fans won't be disappointed, and readers looking for a new thriller series will enjoy making Kathryn's acquaintance. [See Prepub Alert, 11/3/14.]
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