This story follows Johnny Gomez, an employee of Astro-Suds Services, as he falls in with smugglers and is chased across the solar system by gangs and pirates after finding a valuable data slide while scrubbing a restroom. Johnny sets off for Luna, and his space travel feels like an interstate road trip, with detours to a pleasure moon and a sci-fi trucker stop, Hogger’s. Johnny meets smugglers with hearts of gold at the point when he needs them and happens to have an extremely well-connected cyborg roommate who is the deus ex machina solution to multiple problems. The novel attempts to be a fun ride, but, unfortunately, the plot and character development are rather shallow and the writing can be clunky at times. The story is told from Johnny’s first-person perspective, but he often seems chronically ignorant of how the world around him works, which is somewhat overused as a device to have other characters explain the universe to readers.
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