DEBUT Croft’s debut is a psychological thriller about an ambitious woman named Bea who has made it her life goal to seduce and marry a rich man, then settle down and forget her troubled past. After a life of conning alongside “Mother,” she’s determined to finish out her life differently. Does she have what it takes to pull off the ultimate con and leave her past behind, or will her lies expose her for who she really is? Even though this is plot-driven, novel, Bea has very intriguing character traits and flaws despite her best efforts to hide or combat them. The story jumps back and forth in time to Bea’s traumatic upbringing with “Mother,” who taught her to use her beauty and brains to get whatever she wants, and the present, as she tries to secure a life with Collin, the family heir. Croft’s writing is engaging and will keep the reader wondering what will happen to Bea until the end.
VERDICT This is excellent writing for a debut author and is a must-read for fans of Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl or Lisa Unger’s Confessions on the 7:45.
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