This story follows the not-as-fake-as-initially-intended romance between Han, an undocumented immigrant, and Kenny, who is stuck in an unhealthy relationship. They get married so Han can become a citizen and Kenny can assuage his fear of being alone, but the men quickly begin to fall in love. The novel features some extremely silly, swoony scenes of Han and Kenny’s friendship and budding romance (the Zane and Blaine Smith-Smith wedding midway through the book is a hoot), but serious drama is never far behind. Han and Kenny have some heart-wrenching, tear-jerking moments as they navigate their feelings for each other, their own hang-ups, and the realities that seem destined to keep them apart. These storylines are even more emotionally resonant because they reflect real issues. The happily-ever-after, when it finally comes, is hard-earned and feels particularly satisfying after everything they’ve been through.
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