The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism

30 CDs. retail ed. unabridged. 37 hrs. S. & S. Audio. 2013. ISBN 9781442353152. $75; 4 MP3-CDs. retail ed.; digital download. HIST
OrangeReviewStarGoodwin (Team of Rivals) continues her chronicling of presidential history with a study of the administrations of Theodore Roosevelt and William Taft and the events that led to the devastating rupture of their once-close friendship. In a parallel history, she also follows the rise of muckraking journalism, particularly through the heyday of McClure's Magazine, whose famed correspondents included Ida Tarbell, Ray Baker, Lincoln Steffens, and William White. The unifying theme of the book is Goodwin's analysis of the strikingly different ways in which Roosevelt and Taft handled a boisterous media, contrasting Roosevelt's mastery with Taft's diffidence. Despite the daunting length of the book, Goodwin's engaging style and the pitch-perfect narration by actor Edward Herrmann capture the listener's interest completely.
VERDICT A fine presentation of a wonderful history. ["Both presidential buffs and scholars will discover new aspects of the progressive era here. Highly recommended," read the review of the S. & S. hc, LJ 12/13.]
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