.ampbell (
The Bin Laden Plot) launches a new far-future, military sci-fi series that details humanity’s final days. Lara Anderson is a gifted grief counselor, living on a human colony world in the Ritalis planetary system. Humanity once held over 100 colony worlds but now finds itself down to its last, and the hostile aliens are at the gates. As the novel opens, Lara’s world falls to the evil Korilian Empire, with the final escape shuttle leaving her behind. Lara is saved by the human military at the 11th hour because, unknown to her, she has the psychic abilities to help the military make its last stand to defend Earth. The plot includes a predictable mix of standard science fiction elements, including an untested adept, a cryptic prophecy, and layers of political intrigue. The story has extensive worldbuilding, using each new revelation and twist to add interest to the future society it creates.
VERDICT This is complex science fiction for readers who love the compelling political drama of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine more than the lasers and photon torpedoes of The Next Generation.
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