The Geek Feminist Revolution

Tor. May 2016. 272p. ISBN 9780765386236. $26.99; ebk. ISBN 9780765386250. SOC SCI
This collection of personal essays, including the Hugo Award-winning "We Have Always Fought," runs the gamut from memoir to cultural criticism, with a common connecting thread of what it means to be a woman creator in the constellation of geek cultures—sf, comics, gaming, etc.—in the Internet age. Major fandom-centric controversies such as #Gamergate and the Sad/Rabid Puppies Hugo slates are addressed, as well as pop-culture icons from films Die Hard to Mad Max. Hurley is clear sighted about intersectionality and what's incumbent on public figures facing criticism, even when they don't feel powerful. What's not here are next steps, personal or systemic, beyond not shutting or giving up that readers seeking revolution might have come for.
VERDICT A great introduction for geek guys seeking to understand and reassurance for women that the injustices, while real, are survivable.
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