Gordon’s ambitious and spellbinding debut, the first in a planned duology, follows Hellevir, a young queer hedge witch who was born with the ability to cross into the realm of the dead and bring people back to life, though Death always demands a price. When the queen learns of Hellevir’s gift, she tracks her down and orders her to resurrect her granddaughter, Princess Sullivain, who has been assassinated. Blackmailed into remaining in the city to keep Sullivain alive and the kingdom from descending into political chaos, Hellevir finds herself falling for the corrupt princess. However, the more she uses her gift for ill, the higher the cost grows until Death demands his steepest price of all. Kristin Atherton does a superb job as the sole narrator, voicing a full cast of unique characters ranging from Death with his deep, seductive voice to the youthful-sounding Hellevir, plus the morally grey royal figures and a spunky crow animal companion.
VERDICT With strong voice acting, this dark fantasy debut is sure to be well-received by fans of books like Adalyn Grace’s “Belladonna” trilogy. Listeners will be eager for more from this talented writer.
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