This provocative sequel to Whispering Shadows continues the story of expat journalist Paul Leibovitz and his new love, Christine Wu, by introducing us to Christine's brother Da Long and his gravely ill wife, Min Fang. Paul suspects the illness killing Min Fang is environmentally based when he walks to the river near their village and sees numerous dead fish and the skeletal remains of other wildlife lying on the bank. Neighbors tell him of the mysterious deaths of their cats and of people living nearby who have the same symptoms as Min Fang. After investigating, Paul reports his findings to Da Long and young sister Yin-Yin, who ends up in prison for posting the results of Paul's investigation on the Internet. Her imprisonment, and what it takes to get her released, elucidate the powerful and corrupting influence of big business on the government of mainland China. Vivid descriptions of the food, buildings, tropical climate, and landscapes transports readers to this country with its profoundly unique history and people.
VERDICT Beautifully translated by Lo, this new novel gives readers another vivid, fascinating, and haunting look at today's China. Highly recommended. [See Prepub Alert, 11/21/16.]
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