Frequent saver of the world and former holder of the title of Lucifer, James Stark (aka Sandman Slim) still struggles to earn a living in the mortal realm. He has a job on the council for the Los Angeles otherworldly community known as the sub rosa but can't stop craving the excitement of hell. His boss, Thomas Abbot, asks Stark to help find a missing boy. The evidence points to Wormwood, a group of magic users working against the council who may be trafficking in a black liquid rumored to be the key to upsetting the balance in the war being waged in heaven.
VERDICT For series newcomers, last year's Killing Pretty is a better volume to start with, but for longtime fans, all the familiar faces are back, Stark has been showing some real growth, especially in the efforts he has put into his relationship with his girlfriend Candy. [See Prepub Alert, 1/4/16.]
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