Leow’s high-fantasy debut centers on Binsa, who is a Rakhti, a living goddess who serves as a vessel for the goddess Rashmatun. No one knows, however, that rather than hosting a goddess, Binsa hides the blood demon Ilam within her. Binsa is nearing the end of her reign but is unwilling to give up her power and return to a life of poverty, so she makes a deal with the Ilam to ensure that her successor never takes over. But deals with demons come at an incredibly high price, involving blood and many lost lives. Narrated by Catherine Ho, this epic story has compelling, twisted, and morally gray characters that allow Ho to craft sinister voices for each one. This first installment in the “False Goddess Trilogy” has everything fantasy readers might hope for—magic, messy politics, scheming, family sacrifice, and the lingering question of how much Binsa is willing to risk to maintain her throne.
VERDICT Listeners who enjoy immersing themselves in richly described fantastical worlds will devour this. Share with fans of Ann Leckie’s The Raven Tower or Erika Johansen’s The Queen of the Tearling.
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