Korelitz’s sequel to
The Plot follows the sordid history and present of Anna Williams Bonner, widow of writer Jacob Finch Bonner. The story opens following Jacob’s death. While on a promotional tour for her husband’s latest book published posthumously, Anna divulges plans to write a novel of her own. Emboldened by prompting from her agent and editor, Anna attends a writer’s retreat, where a manuscript mirroring many aspects of her life is written and subsequently published. Although this latest publication gives Anna further financial freedom, she finds that it opens her life to increased scrutiny from the media, readers, and people from her past. When she receives an anonymous request to autograph a book referencing her deceased brother, she begins to wonder if her history is finally catching up with her. Julia Whelan’s narration, told from Anna’s perspective, is engaging and believable.
VERDICT This novel, filled with characters that are easy to hate, will keep listeners hooked awaiting the next pivot in its twisty plot.
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