Seltzer’s debut follows two generations of Jewish musicians—alt-rocker Emma in the 1990s, and her folk-singer mother, Judie, in the 1960s. No one knows why Judie stopped writing songs at the height of her successful career, or why she distanced herself from her daughter and later steered her away from music. Whatever the reasons, Emma now has a hole in her heart where her mother’s love should have been. The novel traverses two time periods, focusing on Emma and Judie as well as Sylvia, Judie’s sister and bandmate, and Rose, an au pair. As the characters’ secrets are revealed, Seltzer also explores mental health, adoption, abortion rights, LGBTQIA+ and women’s identities, and trauma. Listeners will appreciate the jaunty folk music that opens and closes the audiobook, but they may be disappointed that the lyrics within the text are spoken, not sung.Narrator Barrie Kreinik offers a natural-sounding Dublin accent for Rose and provides a fitting portrait of Judie, whose mature, folk-y vibes ring true. Helen Laser portrays Emma in a sarcastic low tone. Stephanie Németh-Parker as Sylvia is a bright and more relaxed contrast to Judie’s character.
VERDICT For fans of Taylor Jenkins Reid’s Daisy Jones and the Six and intergenerational family stories.
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