The Steel Kiss

Grand Central. Mar. 2016. 496p. ISBN 9781455536344. $28; ebk. ISBN 9781455536368. F
In Deaver's 12th Lincoln Rhyme novel (after The Skin Collector), NYPD officer Amelia Sachs tracks a sick and twisted domestic terrorist with a grudge against capitalism. Vernon Griffith, the People's Guardian, has stolen a long list of products installed with a DataWise5000 smart controller and, using a Wi-Fi remote and cloud technology, triggers products to malfunction and thus maim or kill victims—stairs on an escalator give way, a microwave explodes, a transmission disengages, a circuit box electrocutes, a band saw blade loosens, a stove seeps gas, and a baby monitor shocks a child. After much methodical and ingenious sleuthing, Sachs and her mentor, the paraplegic criminologist Lincoln Rhyme, follow a circuitous route of evidence across Manhattan until they finally identify the killer and the rationale behind the accidents. But they lose his trail.
VERDICT Fans will marvel at the creative manner in which Deaver incorporates current technological and societal trends into the plots of his thrillers—in this case, remote devices signaling smart controllers. [See Prepub Alert, 10/4/15.]
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